The Extern Vocation
Extern Sisters are a very special part of our Community, and they have a unique calling. Their main responsibilities and service of love are to take care of the exterior duties connected with the monastery, thereby enabling the cloistered Sisters to live their vocation of hidden immolation in solitude as Our Holy Mother Saint Teresa envisioned for the reformed Carmels she founded.
Extern Sisters receive visitors to the monastery, take care of their needs, and relay donations and messages to the Cloister. In addition, they tend the grounds around the monastery building. Though living in the enclosure, they are not bound by the enclosure, as their duties are performed outside of it, in close collaboration with the Mother Prioress. The Extern Sisters remain very close to the Community and join the cloistered Sisters for prayer, meals, and recreation.
The greatest privilege of Extern Sisters is to care for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, adorning His Altar with flowers and preparing His Sanctuary and Chapel for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Their duties have won for them the fitting titles of
"Guardian of the Cloister," "Guardian of the Tabernacle," and "Tabernacle Bride."