The Peace of Christ!
February 2024
To all our dearly beloved friends,
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Prayerful greetings from sunny Florida! We are happy to report that, sustained by the fervent prayers of so many, we departed from Buffalo the morning of January 14 despite the blizzard, and safely arrived in Jacksonville the following day. Thanks to the hard work of many kind and generous friends who prepared for our arrival, our new monastery felt like home from the very first moment, already embellished with many of our beautiful statues and holy images. But it truly became “home” when Jesus Himself came to dwell among us in His Eucharistic Presence after the first Mass in our lovely little chapel. We were moved to tears and well understood the sentiments of Our Holy Mother St. Teresa, who considered that a new foundation was truly established when the Blessed Sacrament was permanently reserved in the tabernacle. The difference was palpable – our beloved King is now enthroned and dwells among us!
Before we were enclosed, on our first full day in Florida we had the incredible blessing to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, where our new Bishop, the Most Reverend Erik T. Pohlmeier, welcomed us warmly and offered Holy Mass for us. While there, we were able to tour the “Sacred Acre” where the first parish Mass was offered in what is now the United States on September 8, 1565. Our Lady’s maternal presence is so strongly felt on that site which has such historic significance for the Church in our country!
As we continue to get settled in our new surroundings and wholeheartedly embrace our life of prayer in the heart of the Church, our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for all our friends and benefactors, both near and far, who sustain us by their prayers and material assistance. Please be assured that you have a loving remembrance in our prayers and sacrifices each and every day!
Gratefully yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
The Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of the Little Flower of Jesus